8 things to do online this summer to keep your kids amused:
- STEM Venturi design competition – see our social media pages for details!
- Follow a beginners skills map in MakeCode Arcade – let your game design imagination flow once you have learnt the basics. Suitable for beginners: https://arcade.makecode.com/#
- Micro:bit – follow one of the many tutorials, you don’t even need a BBC micro:bit (although you can hire one from us if required): https://makecode.microbit.org/#
- Raspberry Pi – Code Club World have some super ideas: https://codeclubworld.org/
- Autodesk Instructables = for the more advanced. Great for inspiration! https://www.instructables.com/
- The Scratch team are running weekly themed challenges, submit your design via the specific studio. https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1022277165/
- STEM Venturi pixel art competition: submit your entry every week, winner will be picked and shared – win a private tutoring session with Holly!
- Tinkercad challenges: Ranging from simple design challenges to complex physics simulations. https://www.tinkercad.com/challenges